
Friday, January 25, 2013

Steal Ke$ha's Style!

Ke$ha's style is all about glitter of course! But, I'll show you guys a toned down version of this same outfit (LESS GLITTER TRASHY LOOK) If you want to wear something over the bodysuit to make the outfit more wearable on a daily kind of basis; I'll give you guys some options so don't fret it! ;) 

Both of these pieces are from I absolutely L-O-V-E this website! I'm not going to lie some of the items can be pretty pricey (Especially the shoes) but a lot of it is worth the investment! If you're kind of tight with money right now go straight to the sale section they have some pretty good deals! 

If you're a brave gal like me, you can swap out the leggings above and layer these fishnets like Ke$ha did in the original outfit. If you want to put holes in the smaller diamond tights that will go over the larger diamond tights tights, GO FOR IT! I actually have the tights in the right picture and they're comfortable and easy to put on.

Small Diamond Leggings

Big Diamond Leggings

The longer gloves are exactly like the pair Ke$ha wore, but if long gloves aren't your thing the gloves on the right are just as good! To be honest the outfit can do fine even without any gloves at all. Be wary though, these gloves are from Halloween stores so they might feel itchy at first, but your skin will eventually get used to the gloves over time (These gloves are even perfect if you have acrylic nails)

This skirt is from Nasty Gal again, if you don't want the fishnets or the leggings then wear a cute skirt like this! If you want to pick your own then I'll post a link below! :)

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